Aries becomes next Hyperledger project graduating to active status

The Hyperledger Technical Steering Committee (TSC) has approved Hyperledger Aries as the latest of Hyperledger’s projects to graduate from incubation to active status.

Hyperledger Aries provides tool kits designed to build interopable and verifiable credentials for secure communication without a central authority. The Aries project grew out of the need for protocols and open source tools to enable verifiable credentials, such as those supported by Hyperledger Indy.

With Aries’ graduation to active status, it joins other Hyperledger projects such as Besu and Fabric that are recognised as production ready. Most notably, the Linux Foundation initiative now boasts two decentralised identity projects that are active status, with Hyperledger Indy graduating in April 2019.

This milestone shows that Hyperledger’s technical leadership recognises the maturity of the Aries community and project. The TSC applies rigorous standards to active projects including code quality, security best practices, open source governance, and a diverse pool of contributors. Becoming an active Hyperledger project is a sign that Aries has grown in both community and code.

“This approval is further evidence that Hyperledger Aries is a breakout success for the Hyperledger community,” said Brian Behlendorf, general manager for blockchain, healthcare and identity at the Linux Foundation.

“Convergence on common libraries for the exchange of credentials will help speed the development of urgently-needed solutions and systems, ranging from education to finance to the fight against the pandemic. Aries is key to that convergence,” he added.

The Linux Foundation believes that Hyperledger Aries new status as out of incubation and it becoming an active project is particularly important as the world grapples with finding trusted ways for people to prove their Covid-19 vaccination or test results. They hope that Aries’ protocol-driven approach to issuing verifiable credentials will make it part of the technical discussion in regards to Covid-19.

Photo by Sean Paul Kinnear on Unsplash

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